@extends('accounting::layouts.app') @section('title') {{ trans_choice('accounting::report.budget_overview', 1) }} @endsection @section('css') @include('accounting::report.partials.report_css') @endsection @section('content') @include('accounting::layouts.nav') @component('accounting::components.section_header') @slot('title') {{ trans_choice('accounting::general.accounting', 1) }} {{ trans_choice('accounting::lang.report', 2) }} @endslot @slot('subtitle') {{ trans_choice('accounting::report.budget_overview', 1) }} @endslot @endcomponent
@component('accounting::components.box') @slot('header')
@component('accounting::components.download_action_button', [ 'url' => 'report/accounting/budget_overview', 'filters' => 'start_date=' . $start_date . '&end_date=' . $end_date . '&location_id=' . $location_id, ]) @endcomponent
@endslot @slot('body')

{{ trans_choice('accounting::report.budget_overview', 1) }} @if (!empty($start_date)) {{ trans('accounting::lang.for_period') }}: {{ readable_date($start_date) }} {{ trans('accounting::lang.to') }} {{ readable_date($end_date) }} @endif

{{ trans_choice('accounting::lang.clear', 1) }}!
@endslot @endcomponent @component('accounting::components.box') @slot('body') @component('accounting::components.tree_view_table')

{{ trans_choice('accounting::report.budget_overview', 1) }}

{{ readable_date($start_date) }} - {{ readable_date($end_date) }}

Transaction type Customer Description Split Amount Balance Accounts Receivable (A/R) Accounts Receivable (A/R) {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Cash and cash equivalents {{ readable_date($start_date) }} Journal Entry Purchased Rickshaw for cash Split {{ $currency_code }} 1,000.00 {{ $currency_code }} 1,000.00 Total for Cash and cash equivalents {{ $currency_code }} 1,000.00 Inventory Total for Inventory {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Inventory Asset Total for Inventory Asset {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Uncategorised Asset
{{ readable_date($start_date) }}
Journal Entry Purchased Rickshaw for cash Split {{ $currency_code }} -1,000.00 {{ $currency_code }} -1,000.00 Total for Uncategorised Asset {{ $currency_code }} -1,000.00 Long-term debt Total for Long-term debt {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Sales of Product Income Total for Sales of Product Income {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Office expenses {{ readable_date($start_date) }} Journal Entry Ajie Split {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Total for Office expenses {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Purchases {{ readable_date($start_date) }} Journal Entry test Split {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 Total for Purchases {{ $currency_code }} 0.00 @endcomponent @endslot @endcomponent
@stop @section('javascript') @include('accounting::report.partials.report_js') @endsection